Reaching the Unreached
& Advancing the Gospel in MENACA.
The MENACA region is home to millions who have never heard the name of Jesus. Barriers of culture, language, and opposition have kept the Gospel from taking root—but we believe no place is too hard for God. Our vision is to see the Body of Christ awakened to the urgent need, mobilizing prayer, workers, and strategic efforts to bring the hope of Christ to the unreached. As we stand together, we long for the day when worship rises from every nation, tribe, and people in MENACA.

Partner. Pray. Participate.
God is has called ordinary people and families to spread the Gospel in one of the least evangelized regions on earth. Partner with us as we live out the Great Commission in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia.
The region is one of the toughest grounds to cultivate in the world, and we know that if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, God will move mountains. Pray with us as we intercede and work amongst friend and neighbors in MENACA.
We want to be a resource to your calling, whether that is to pray, give funds, or even moving in your calling to be a short term or long term worker of the Gospel. Whatever your purpose, we want to work together towards advancing the Kingdom of God.